I am a French citizen currently employed by an Institute part of the Helmholtz association. I had been looking forward to starting this position for a while and was a bit in a rush when signing my contract (not ideal I know). I overlooked an important point that I fear is too late to change now anyway.
The job posting did only mention that an "engineering degree" was required, without specifying if a master's degree was needed. I personally hold 2 master's degree from the double-degree program I followed during my studies (might be irrelevant). I have ~2.5 years of experience prior to this position.
Without going into details, it's quite a demanding job and de facto all people that I know of that had this position held at least a master's degree in the past. But I am classified as TVöD 11 level 1 nonetheless. Is this normal ? It is clearly stated in my contract that I would be payed as TVöD 11 but I was wondering if there were any law superseding contracts that forced public employers to pay you according to the degree you hold, or if it does not matter if clearly stated in the contract. I'm not too confident anyway but I would like to clarify it with my employer at least for those who'll follow.
Thanks for your help!
Edit: I talked about it with my boss. The justification for the pay group 11 is that my job does not encompass design activities. This is true, it is mostly a technician job even if they only employ engineers with a master's degree to do it. I think it's somewhat fair, even if the job is quite specialized. They would like to get it to a higher pay group but were blocked when they tried to in the past. They actually don't get to see my contract and were quite surprised that I was placed at level 1. They will discuss with the person responsible for this to get me to level 2. Will update when I get a definitive answer.