If you gaze long into an abyss, you will fall into it
Abrahm Lincoln, Beyond Good and Evil
If you have straight A's in the first period, it is unlikely you will fail. Do your best in the second, and then you will see.
At the moment, you have nothing in hand, so you are purely speculating about the future. Having already obtained a Master's degree is usually not an hindrance in being admitted to a PhD's program. However, you may have to "repeat" it.
My suggestion is: keep on applying to PhDs programs. As soon as you are accepted into one, drop out of the current master and try to find an opportunity to build some cash parachute, i.e. taking over a paid internship in a field close to your PhDs, or even just serving tables. You will need that financial parachute towards the end of your PhD (or even during you PhD ...)