In my field there are often summer schools for graduate students/postdocs to learn about a particular research topic in a short amount of time. Given that some of these summer schools are in exotic locations, or with expenses paid, I imagine that they receive a large number of applicants (probably far more than can be accommodated). In this case, how do the organizers typically select who attends? I can think of a few things they might consider:
- selecting students from diverse institutions and countries, in order to maximize the impact of the school
- selecting students of diverse academic backgrounds and skill levels, to facilitate mentoring and sharing of knowledge
- selecting only the "best" students (e.g. by publication record), similar to scholarship/fellowship applications
- selecting the students with the strongest demonstrated skills, so that the school can teach only the most advanced topics
- selecting the first to apply that meet the minimum criteria (first come, first served)
- something else?
Since summer schools primarily exist to teach, I feel they may be distinct from other competitive applications in academia e.g. fellowships or conferences. For those who have served on the organizing committee of such a school, any insights would be appreciated.