Consider the following bolded recommendation for arranging graphs and tables for an IEEE submission
Because IEEE will do the final formatting of your paper, you do not need to position figures and tables at the top and bottom of each column. In fact, all figures, figure captions, and tables can be at the end of the paper. Large figures and tables may span both columns. Place figure captions below the figures; place table titles above the tables. If your figure has two parts, include the labels “(a)” and “(b)” as part of the artwork. Please verify that the figures and tables you mention in the text actually exist. Please do not include captions as part of the figures. Do not put captions in “text boxes” linked to the figures. Do not put borders around the outside of your figures. Use the abbreviation “Fig.” even at the beginning of a sentence. Do not abbreviate “Table.” Tables are numbered with Roman numerals.
Till now, I use to think that it is the burden of the author to properly align figures and tables. Although the IEEE guidelines are not instructing to not take the burden, they are recommending the author to leave the burden.
With this context, I want to know the practice of taking or leaving the burden by the majority of authors. Do authors generally leave the burden to IEEE or arrange all of them by themselves?