I have a paper that was resubmitted following a revise and resubmit around 18 months ago. I have been in contact with the editor several times and she has been sympathetic to my enquiries but has explained that the referees are proving unresponsive due to covid. The resubmission was a meaty one and took a great deal of work, but we were able to address, in our view, all of the referees’ comments. Thus, normally, I’d be confident of publication in due course potentially after another round of R&R.
But, I worry that if the referees haven’t found time in the last year and a half they may never find time. What can I suggest to the editor as ways to move the paper forward?
I don’t want to threaten to withdraw the paper as the journal is a good fit for the paper and I don’t want to risk starting all over again. Of course this may become inevitable but for now let’s ignore it.
I also don’t want to lecture the editor on her moral/professional obligations, etc., etc. She is the editor in chief and there isn’t an obvious person to escalate it to. I also believe she is trying to do her best. Instead I want to find a way to empower the editor to make a decision.
The journal is a small and specialised one and my paper uses slightly different techniques to those it normally publishes and thus she may be loath to act independently.