My paper got accepted for publication last week, and I have not received the galley proof yet. I recently learned that one of my results implies another interesting result, and I want to mention that in my publication. Deriving the new result takes no more than three lines, and I do not think it can be published on its own. Can I ask the editor to add a new result to an already accepted paper?

  • "I recently learned that one of my results implies another interesting result" did you learn from someone else?
    – EarlGrey
    Commented Sep 27, 2021 at 10:10

3 Answers 3


I strongly suggest not doing that.

  • If the correction will be accepted, it is a sign of "the editor is accepting non peer-reviewed results ---> paper is questionable", unless the editor is a proven expert in your field (and even then, it is obviously not a blind review and the editor has some interest in the accepted paper being finally published).
  • if the correction will be submitted to peer-review, the paper will go back to peer review.
  • 2
    Both reasons don't stand much. The first honestly and realistically is not a problem of the author, especially as he is going to publish there nevertheless. The second one just exists if the answer of the editor says so.
    – Alchimista
    Commented Sep 27, 2021 at 15:15
  • 5
    I've seen concluding statements variously labeled as Added in Proof quite often in mathematics papers (example by my Ph.D. advisor is on bottom of p. 9 here), but I don't know how common it is in recent years or in other fields. However, it will probably require a double-check by referees, which might be problematic if a publication delay could cause problems for the author(s). Commented Sep 27, 2021 at 15:35
  • 1
    There is nothing unethical in a editor accepting a straightforward paragraph in proof. If the editor would say "yes we can, but there will be a new round of reviews", then OP can decide. I am simply saying so. I am saying that he can surely ask.
    – Alchimista
    Commented Sep 28, 2021 at 9:09
  • 1
    @EarlGrey because it seems that OP wants to point out a result that is implicit in the actual paper, and doing that takes no more than three lines. This is the Q! If OP would like to add new section, or change of different sort, I would have answered "it is up to you, but basically it would be treated as a new submission or at least the paper will go through a full round of review".
    – Alchimista
    Commented Sep 29, 2021 at 8:33
  • 1
    @Alchimista you like to take shortcuts. Have a good academic life!
    – EarlGrey
    Commented Sep 29, 2021 at 8:43

You can certainly ask the editor. But, the most likely outcome is that the paper would need an additional review. I doubt that it would require starting the process over again, but the editor, unless they are already an expert in your subfield, would most likely ask advice of one or more of the original reviewers.

It would delay your paper's appearance, though perhaps not for long.

The alternative is to take the new results and incorporate it into some new paper with additional results, since you say it isn't enough to stand on its own. But others are fairly likely to notice the extension in the meantime, so you might get scooped on it.


Yes, you could certainly ask especially if implementing the new few lines is that quick and straightforward. I would provide the actual addition in your enquiry letter, otherwise I suspect that the editor answer would be NOT by default. It must be something that s/he can evaluate on her/his own.

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