I am a little confused about the following structure which is now demanded by many journals: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion (IMRAD).
It seems difficult to use. For example, equations. If I write some equation stuff, showing the derivation of a formula from the motivation to the goal, this is not compatible with either the Methods section (what I am doing) or the Results section (what have I found). The derivation of equation is both, it shows the way how to get the results, you can not simply divide this into what I have done and what have I found. How should I include these?
I think I am more in line with older paper style, that does not bother about a specific structure.
Also, what about multiple experiments? Should I really use "method A, method B, method C" and then "result A, result B, result C" for the experiments A, B, C? This completely destroys the reading flow.