I am trying to submit a manuscript to an Elsevier journal Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (RSER) and found the author guidelines most confusing. For example, under author guidelines, it is said that
Use of word processing software
It is important that the file be saved in the native format of the word processor used. The text should be in single-column format. Keep the layout of the text as simple as possible. Most formatting codes will be removed and replaced on processing the article. In particular, do not use the word processor's options to justify text or to hyphenate words.
Then it recommends
to use the latest Elsevier article class to prepare your manuscript and BibTeX to generate your bibliography.
Now, there are two classes and templates available for Latex: cas-dc
and cas-sc
, one for the double column and one for the single column. Now I am confused,
(a) Which template to use for the submission? Single column cas-sc
or double column cas-dc
? The author instructions or the user guide for the templates does not guide when to use which template.
(b) The aforementioned instructions are for the source file? Latex source file is already in the single column format.
(c) What should be the layout of the output PDF? Single column or double column? The journal publishes article in the double column format!
(d) Should the PDF files have justified text or ragged right? Latex templates provided by Elsevier produce PDF files with justified text.
I will be thankful if someone can help me out with this. The confusing author guidelines can be found here.