Assuming you add one master's degree (Master of Science) like that:
FirstName LastName, M.Sc.
What is a proper way to add two independent1 master's degrees (both Master of Science)? Do you just add them both to the end?
FirstName LastName, M.Sc., M.Sc.
1 independent: Different universities, different fields, 2x 120 ECTS = 240 ECTS in total. Not the result of a double degree program.
Just to be clear, I am not looking for recommendations, if or when I should decorate my name with academic degrees. I do not even plan to do it on a regular basis. Even in my country, you don't do it very often. But if there is this one single time in my whole life where I should do it, then I want to do it right. That's all I am asking for: Are there rules or good/best practices on how to do it with two M.Sc. degrees.
Example situation: If you get mentioned on someone else's thesis as an examiner or as a supervisor the names will be decorated with degrees. A german doctor with three doctoral degress can either be Dr. Dr. Dr. FirstName LastName
or Dr. mult. FirstName LastName
. This example shows two possible rules:
- You can stack titles/degrees. Just add as much as you have. That's from where I derived
FirstName LastName, M.Sc., M.Sc.
. - You can condense - at least multiple doctoral - degrees by adding
to the mention of one single title/degree. I have never seen this in combination with other degrees.