Background: I defended my PhD in 2018 and took a postdoc job with my same lab as a matter of convenience. The job had a 3 year contract, funded via an R01 grant, for whom my dissertation advisor was the original PI. He has since retired and transferred PIship to a "research track" junior faculty who followed a similar path to mine (came up through the lab). New PI is certainly capable but perhaps not the "titan" that the original was.
Fast forward to now, I am helping to write a renewal application for the grant, and have contributed 2 out of 4 Aims. These aims contain a lot of (perhaps not all of) my "early career plans". At first glance, this all sounds great, but in a recent email exchange, it was indicated that I would be designated "other personnel" in the grant application, implying perhaps that my position would remain postdoc if the grant was funded.
My question is the following: to what extent is it typical for a postdoc to contribute a large portion of a grant, or grant renewal, but have essentially no formal holding power on the resulting funding? In my particular department, it is my understanding that postdocs cannot hold PI or co-PI on an R01-type grant. My worry is that I'm tying up a bunch of (what I consider) good ideas in someone else's grant, with my only "reward" being another few years of postdoc funding and perhaps a half dozen papers.
Options are clearly: 1. Take whatever I can get, since I have little leverage apart from threatening to "take my ideas elsewhere". 2. Try to negotiate for a position that would allow for a co-PIship (seems difficult during C19 times because university budgets are shot to heck) 3. (semi-nuclear option) Jump ship at the end of my contract (May). 4. Your ideas are welcomed!
Thanks and cheers,