I happened to visit the website of the IJDEA (International Journal of Differential Equations and Applications) and was wondering – how good is this journal? There was a question here on Academia. SE regarding IJPAM (International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, by the same publisher: Academic Publications Ltd.) and it seems this journal is not up to the mark.
However, IJDEA's Editorial Board has some prominent members from reputed institutions that I just couldn't overlook. For instance:
- E.W. Cheney and R.E. Showalter from UT Austin, USA
- S.N Chow from the National University of Singapore, Singapore
- E DiBenedeto from Northwestern University, USA
- A. Fokas from the University of Cambridge, UK
- J. Marsden from CalTech, USA
- (Late) P.A. Samuelson from MIT, USA
- C.W. Shu from Brown University, USA
My question is: Given the presence of such top-class scientists on its editorial board, why are IJPAM/IJDEA and Academic Publications Ltd. considered predatory by Beall's list?
P.S.: I'm assuming that the Editorial Board and quality of articles should be good enough to check the quality of the journal. Please correct me in case I'm wrong.