I am currently teaching an upper level course, and have caught a student plagiarizing this semester. This course is required by our department for a degree. I have strict policy on my syllabus that states plagiarism will result in failing the course, a judicial review incident report, and refusing to accept them as part of future cohorts. Next semester however, I am the only instructor for this course, and possibly again for the following Spring.
I've been pushing my department to add more instructors, as I don't like being in a position where students who are incompatible with my teaching style are forced to take me over and over again, but they are having a difficult time finding someone.
Personally I do not want the student in my class again. They have been nothing but trouble the entire semester. From my interactions with the student, they don't have the required prerequisites at anywhere near a passable level, they are disruptive during class, and I had an inkling that they were trying to cheat off their neighbor during examinations. (I had ensured that every other test was different so I didn't pursue this)
Should I just grit my teeth and waive this policy since they have no other path to graduation?