I applied for some PhD's in differential geometry in the UK, and I was offered an interview this coming Wednesday and they said this in the confirmation email:
"The interview will be conducted by insert prof name and myself and should last around 30 minutes In the interview we will ask about relevant courses you have taken, we will explore your knowledge and understanding of these courses, and we will discuss your motivation in applying for the insert department name PhD. We will also ask some technical mathematical questions about topics you have covered."
Any clues what I should expect and how I should prepare? How much can they rip me apart in 30 mins?
It’s also worth noting that I did my undergrad in theoretical physics; would this imply that the technical questions refer to undergraduate questions or to the Masters programme I’m currently enrolled in (which allows me to study both pure and applied maths)?
Furthermore would the relevant courses taken mean the ones I’m attending currently for my Masters programme (given I did submit a list of the courses I attended last term and the ones I’m attending this term) or, again, would it refer to stuff I have independently studied in my undergraduate, which was a point I mentioned in my application?