My first article was accepted with minor revisions, one of them being the correction of a citation. This citation points to the first time the method I am improving was proposed, which was 1962.
Here is a link to the Paper :
It is on the Stanford online library. I found this paper cited multiple times in the following way:
B. Widrow, ``Generalization and Information Storage in Networks of Adaline `Neurons','' in Self-Organizing Systems, symposium proceedings, M.C. Yovitz, G.T. Jacobi, and G. Goldstein, eds., pp.435-461, Spartan Books, Washington, DC, 1962.
So I used it, but the reviewers are still asking me for a revision as they deem it to be incorrect. So my
How to cite this paper in a Periodica Polytechnica journal ?
EDIT 1 :
Thank you for your help, They didn't point to a particular correction, here is a print screen of their comment :