I finished my B.Sc in CS about 6 month ago and now I am writing a paper for a conference. before when I was a student I put my university and department name below my name as an author. but now I am not a student. I saw somebody put their IEEE membership on the paper something like "member of IEEE Computer society" or something similar, but I am not a member in any society yet!
What I used before:
Sajjad Gerami
Department of Math and Computer Science,
Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran
Email: [email protected]
What I may use now:
Sajjad Gerami
Email: [email protected]
Can I do that? Can I publish a paper just by my name and email (which is a Gmail one) without any institutional affiliation?
Update: For information about email address check these questions:
What should a proper email signature look like for graduate students?