I am about to submit a paper to https://www.siam.org/Conferences/CM/Main/sdm19 (deadline is today) and I have supplementary material contains further evidence, proofs, examples and the like.
I want to reference my supplementary material, like this:
... however, we found that the runtime is polynomial [24] and that ...
and then in the references:
[24] A. Uther, This One Paper - Supplementary material. www.github.com/asdf/wer
I found no guideline regarding this. Can I simply put my reference material on a website (e.g. github), put the link into the References section and cite the reference in the text? I have not seen this in any other paper, but I want to cite the supplementary material several times and using a footnote might be confusing: If I put the footnote at the first page I need to cite (e.g. page 3) and I need to cite it at page 9 the last time, people will be confused where to find this footnote.
Note: The conference is NOT double-blind, but only single-blind. (I don't know their names, but they know my name.)