I have an undergrad degree in linguistics, and a masters degree in natural language processing from a department of linguistics. I would like to continue research work in natural language processing, but change fields to computer science. How can I make this happen? Many say its not possible, but I'm willing to put in the work and do what it takes! Although continuing my research as a linguistics PhD would be easier, I am not interested in taking this route.
More about my background:
- I am 25 year old female.
- I currently have 2 publications: one is a publication on software that I developed, the other is a somewhat random bioinformatics publication.
- Many more publications to come in the next year! I have worked at 1 research institute (where I developed and published my software), worked in a CS lab, and now I work in government R&D and am affiliated with an R1 university.
- I have been involved in A LOT of digital literacy efforts, volunteered to help at women's hackathons, etc. and have given a lot of Data Science presentations to the public.
My plans:
- GRE & GRE Math subject test.
- CS self-studying. I'm comfortable about data types and learning more about algorithms.
- Do I have to get another masters? I can't afford it :(
- Would community college classes actually help me get in? I'm afraid they won't be taken seriously...
- Other ways to obtain/prove I have the necessary prerequisites for a CS degree?
I know some universities will simply not accept someone without a CS background, but some explicitly state in their CS admissions that they will (e.g. UWashington, UToronto)