I recently wrote a paper on the algorithm A that I developed for predicting fault events in the machine. The algorithm is tested, evaluated on a machine data set.
I developed another algorithm B and the inputs to this algorithm are the outputs from A. I tested the algorithm over the same data set of the same machine that I used to test A.
I am currently in the process of writing a paper to explain the algorithm B. However, it is required the numerical results of A to be presented along with the numerical results of B for the reader to understand the complete picture.
What is the best way to present the old results in the new paper? Should we create a separate section or is it better to write in the results section? Basically, it is just the repetition of the numerical results from the old paper (results are in tabular form). Any lead points would be helpful. Will it be considered as self-plagiarism or salami slicing?
Note: I had no idea about the development of algorithm B when I worked on algorithm A. I see algorithm B definitely extends the field of research and thinking.