Suppose I've put a PDF with an paper or treatise I've written, but not yet properly published, somewhere online. This place is not some document repository or a site that has some specific copyright assignment/assumption policy; suppose it's just a lowly HTTP server:
. Suppose also that a link to it gets to some person with whom I've not made any explicit or implicit agreements regarding use of this work.
What are people allows or not allowed to do by US, EU and/or international copyright law?
- Are people allowed to make online copies?
- Are people allowed to make hard copies? Circulate hard copies? Publish hard copies?
- Can people produce derivative work (e.g. applying the same ideas in some other context) and publish it, at all?
- Must people credit me as the author, or can they just use the contents and forget about the author?
- Are there any special restrictions if I mark my paper as a "Draft"?
Note: It's not that I want to prevent any of those things from happening, necessarily - I'm just asking about the defaults.