In the vastness of today's academia, the "wrongful appropriation" and "stealing and publication" of another author's "language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions" and the representation of them as one's own original work prevails regardless of institutional measures to curb this kind of plagiarism.
If there were to exist a global authority to monitor journals and other publications for plagiarised material, it may benifit the academic and scientific community greatly.
We can keep a watch on material being plagiarised or uncredited. Then, blacklist authors who repeatedly steal other's works. I am not sure how ethical it is to do so but it sounds just.
Does there already exist such a recognized global organization?
After I graduate, I seek to help academia by setting up an establishment that focuses solely on eliminating the plague of plagiarisation. Then, expanding it be a watchful protector for the entire academic world.
What is your advice for me? At this moment, this is simply an idea. Even if I do set up a thing like this, how can I hope for it to be one day recognized by people like you?
I'm unsure of the process (toil) involved in setting up such a huge authority. I would ofcourse need expert academicians and scholars. Programmers and scientists to find detection algorithms. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people to go through material looking for similarities.
Do you have any idea how such an organization would function? I'm just day dreaming here.