I am currently a postdoc in a Computer Science discipline. By some odd artifact of the way our university handles postdoc contracts, we are given fixed-duration (1 year) contracts with no exit clause. The only way to amend the contract (i.e. end it early) is through a mutual agreement with the advisor. (Side note: this came as a nasty surprise to me when I started looking for jobs.)
I have found a job that is a great career opportunity for me, and I intend to take it as I believe it's acceptable to leave my postdoc early. The job is in industry (again, my choice), and while I would much prefer to not burn any bridges I understand this is a lot to ask of my boss.
I am personally aiming for the smoothest transition possible, with a reasonable notice period (1.5 months) and a plan for transitioning my duties, but obviously this mutual agreement issue is a big sticking point.
I am looking for good arguments to help my case, ideally focusing on the positive (it's great for them), for example:
- it looks good on their "CV" to have lab members go to great places
- This increases their visibility in the community
- people are defined by where they've worked previously, this can increase the reputation of the lab
What arguments can I use to convince my postdoc advisor that we should end the contract early? I realize there are many "legal" reasons why I can/should be allowed to leave, and I would have posted on workplace.sx to look for those. My hope here is to look for some of the often-intangible "academic" benefits, and take a step in the direction of a win-win compromise.