I'm working on paper discussing protection of National Park in Tatra Mts., splitted between Slovak republic and Poland: TANAP (Slovakia) and TPN (Poland). I want to include the indication of laws declaring protected sites - however, those are the abbreviations in Slovak or Polish, respectivelly. Thus, for to say that TANAP has been declared by law SNR č. `11/1948 Zb . (in Slovak) meaning is:
- S - Slovenska = Slovak
- N - Narodna = National
- R - Rada = Council
- c.- number
- Zb. - Zbierky Zakonov = Collection of laws
thus SNR č. `11/1948 Zb == SNC n 11/1948 Cl ?
If I will not translate law abbreviation, everyone can easily find a specific law. If I translate it, it would be (maybe) more comprehensible to reader, but really hard to find a law if needed.
Thus, in english written paper, should I translate law abbreviations/annotations in origin in non-english or not? What is the common practice?
Thank you a lot, I really appreciate your help.