For my research I programmed several optimization algorithms as close as possible to their original implementation/explanation when they were published. The original codes were some times described listing the required mathematical opperations or some times with examples in different programming languages (Fortran, C, pascal, or even pseudo code). I was thinking about sharing the MATLAB implementations of those programs, because they are not available yet, and I think it could be useful for a lot of people.
Of course I would refer in each program to the original papers, or code implementation. But could I have any legal problems for sharing such code because it somehow violates copyright regulations?
If the original code already specified some sort of licensing terms, I can read there what the rules are. But the source of most of these codes were printed in books or papers, where no licensing terms were mentioned except for copyright.
An example:
A Simple Genetic Algorithm - SGA - vl.O
(c) David Edward Goldberg 1986
All Rights Reserved
What does that mean?
Do I need to ask permission of the author? The journal or book publisher? Or can I share my port/implementation how I like?