I have submitted a manuscript to a fully open access journal in Elsevier and they accepted it after several revision rounds. However, after acceptance I received an invoice and I submitted it to my funding agency and they processed it for payments. However, Elsevier sent me several reminders regarding the payment and when they send the final reminder my funding agency already completed the payment. Therefore, I told Elsevier that payment is already done and they asked me to send some details to locate the payment wire transfer (beneficiary account no, posting date, amount paid...etc). I sent such details along with a letter from my funding agency. However, I did not receive a response thereafter by Elsevier, I mean they did not confirm the receival of our payment or anything but kept silent. Should I be worried or were any of you in similar situations ?
1 Answer
Send an e-mail asking for a confirmation that they received the money. Close it with "if I don't receive any news from you on this matter, I will consider the payment issue settled." Ask for a return receipt in your e-mail program.