I am an undergraduate student in the medical field. I have taken part in writing multiple articles with professors from different departments from my Uni. The way I see it, my affiliation should be Faculty of Medicine, University of X. Whenever I've been directly asked for my affiliation, this is what I provided.
For some articles, I did not get to proofread my affiliation before submission, and my professors filled in my affiliation as their department. Some articles have already been published, some are accepted, some are pending a decision. I have some articles with Faculty of Medicine, University of X, some with Department of Gerontology, University of X, some with Department of Dermatology, University of X, and some with Research Group for Great Ideas, University of X.
The name of the University is always correct, but I've been assigned to multiple departments, while technically being still an undergraduate. Can this hurt me in the long run? Should I raise my concerns with the authors of the papers? I don't know whether the department affiliation is important, or would be seen as petty.