I am currently a second year Master of Statistics student at a university in Asia. Next year I will start my first year of a doctoral degree in Statistics at the same university, however, I will also be applying for PhD programmes in Biostatistics in America and Canada (it is common to do this at my university, and the faculty here supports it).
During this year, I basically have two options:
Try to extend the work in my Master's Thesis to get a publication, take only 1-2 courses, be a TA for 1 course.
Take 3 courses each semester and TA 2 courses.
Which option will be better for my PhD application? There is no guarantee that I would be able to get a publication if I choose option 1, however, I would be doing 'real research' and I would hopefully develop skills. If I choose option 2 I would be taking courses that could be useful later such as Advanced Survival Analysis, Optimisation, Randomised Algorithms, Nonparametric Estimation, Design of Experiments, Time Series.
What I fear is that I try to extend my Master's Thesis, it doesn't work out and it will appear like I haven't done much during that year. As of now, I cannot tell if the work in Master's Thesis will be of publishable quality, my supervisor isn't sure either.