I have a published journal article and a book chapter (both are single-authored). I am in the process of getting permission from the publishers respectively to make the most of them for my PhD dissertation.
Well, my question is about what actions are okay as 're-use.' I asked these questions to a publisher once, but I have heard only very abstract answer (like, [...] a journal gives permission to 'reuse' and 'reproduce' to [...]).
Is it normal and okay to use only a certain part of the published article/book chapter? (For example, exclude introduction and use only the analysis results).
Considering the overall flow of the PhD dissertation, I have theoretical discussion (Chapter 2) and analytical results (Chapter 6) far apart from each other. In the published paper, as you can imagine, one come right after the other. In this case, is it okay to split the published paper and put the parts in Chapter 2 and Chapter 6 separately?