I am having a hard time figuring out the difference between excellent,good,average and bad journals.
I checked this link http://mjl.clarivate.com/ from where I figured out about ESCI,SCI,SCIE journals in my field of Mathematics.
I read ESCI Journals vs SCI/SCIE Journals and What is the difference between SCI and SCIE?.
But still cant figure out how does a journal categorise as being excellent,good,average and bad journals.
Can we make some sort of algorithms which helps us to answer this question?
Is there any relation between them like ESCI is less than SCIE and SCIE is less than SCI?
Are all SCIE indexed journals of higher value than any ESCI journals?
I have noticed that there are many ESCI journals which have many leading mathematicians as their Editor-In-Chief and many SCIE journals whose editor in chiefs are not so well known. Will still a SCIE indexed journal score more than a ESCI?
Kindly shed some light.