Has anyone tried this technique and how has it worked out for you?
Essentially, there are several problems with doing teaching assistant work (TA),
You might not even be from the institution where you are doing the TA, you are unfamiliar with the course structure and the textbook, but you have learned some equivalent courses before.
Courses can have several lecturers, each going at a slightly different pace. You don't know what your students know and get blank stares from them during tutorial hours.
You want to enhance your teaching material by identifying spots where students might be more easily confused, where in the lecture might question for exams be drawn from, the emphasis of the lecture versus textbook, and so on.
I think an easy way to overcome these problems is by sitting in the lectures with the students. I have never done this because it sounds too time-consuming, also it might look "strange" to the professor AND to the students.
Has anyone tried doing this and how has it worked out for you?
For lecturers/professors: do you think it is a good idea for your TA to sit in your lectures?