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  1. You are paying for an educational pedigree that states youryou're such and such breed of book smart.
  2. EasyAn easy A is an easy A.
  3. It is the age of information. In anFor example, M.I.T. lectures are free to watch and learn from. the degreeThe chance of being acknowledged for your proficient knowledge in a subject, aka a degree, is what youryou're spending your money on. A fair argument can be made if you had a hard professor who challenged your thinking but uyou failed the class did. Did you waste your money?
  4. Life rarely gives you a break do. Do you really want to look a gift horse in the mouth.?
  5. If you are not liking the class then switch it, or bring it to the news for a fluff exposure piece, or go talk to your financial advisor for proper procedures then. Then, yell at the Dean for the indignity, if you must.
  6. How much is this course worth to you credit wisecreditwise vs time wisetimewise vs money wise, what aremoneywise? What is the impact of this course to you pros(pros and cons)?
  7. Personally, I'd take the easy A and. And if I needed some skill I could not learn from the class, I'd take the extra time I have to learn them on my own since it is an easy class.
  1. You are paying for an educational pedigree that states your such and such breed of book smart.
  2. Easy A is an easy A.
  3. It is the age of information. In an example M.I.T. lectures are free to watch and learn from. the degree chance of being acknowledged for your proficient knowledge in a subject aka a degree is what your spending your money on. A fair argument can be made if you had a hard professor who challenged your thinking but u failed the class did you waste your money?
  4. Life rarely gives you a break do you really want to look a gift horse in the mouth.
  5. If you are not liking the class then switch it, or bring it to the news for a fluff exposure piece or go talk to your financial advisor for proper procedures then yell at the Dean for the indignity if you must
  6. How much is this course worth to you credit wise vs time wise vs money wise, what are is the impact of this course to you pros and cons?
  7. Personally I'd take the easy A and if I needed some skill I could not learn from the class I'd take the extra time I have to learn them on my own since it is an easy class
  1. You are paying for an educational pedigree that states you're such and such breed of book smart.
  2. An easy A is an easy A.
  3. It is the age of information. For example, M.I.T. lectures are free to watch and learn from. The chance of being acknowledged for your proficient knowledge in a subject, aka a degree, is what you're spending your money on. A fair argument can be made if you had a hard professor who challenged your thinking but you failed the class. Did you waste your money?
  4. Life rarely gives you a break. Do you really want to look a gift horse in the mouth?
  5. If you are not liking the class then switch it, or bring it to the news for a fluff exposure piece, or go talk to your financial advisor for proper procedures. Then, yell at the Dean for the indignity, if you must.
  6. How much is this course worth to you creditwise vs timewise vs moneywise? What is the impact of this course to you (pros and cons)?
  7. Personally, I'd take the easy A. And if I needed some skill I could not learn from the class, I'd take the extra time I have to learn them on my own since it is an easy class.
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  1. You are paying for an educational pedigree that states your such and such breed of book smart.
  2. Easy A is an easy A.
  3. It is the age of information. In an example M.I.T. lectures are free to watch and learn from. the degree chance of being acknowledged for your proficient knowledge in a subject aka a degree is what your spending your money on. A fair argument can be made if you had a hard professor who challenged your thinking but u failed the class did you waste your money?
  4. Life rarely gives you a break do you really want to look a gift horse in the mouth.
  5. If you are not liking the class then switch it, or bring it to the news for a fluff exposure piece or go talk to your financial advisor for proper procedures then yell at the Dean for the indignity if you must
  6. How much is this course worth to you credit wise vs time wise vs money wise, what are is the impact of this course to you pros and cons?
  7. Personally I'd take the easy A and if I needed some skill I could not learn from the class I'd take the extra time I have to learn them on my own since it is an easy class