Git only works if your collaborators are actually willing to write plain text instead of WYSIWYG. In the biomedical sciences the use of MS Word is pervasive and people tend to love their tools just as much as we love using Git and $EDITOR.
To answer your question, you first need to know what your starting point is. Do you only have to convice them to use Git or do you also need to convince them of usingto use plain text?
The idea behind plain text is simple, but still, many people find it hard to grasp. So do not underestimate the necessary education effort. Once people appreciate the advantages of plaintext, they might also have an easier time understanding the benefits and usage of Git.
And then there also other solutions like Authorea and Overleaf that other people already meantionedmentioned. If your main goal is to avoid sending manuscript drafts via e-mail, this might be a much easier solution that also works for less technical people.