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Sylvain Peyronnet's user avatar
Sylvain Peyronnet's user avatar
Sylvain Peyronnet
  • Member for 12 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
57 votes

What does first authorship really mean in field X?

35 votes

Why does professor prohibit me talking to people?

27 votes

Are cover letters sent to referees and should you highlight the contribution of your paper in the cover letter?

27 votes

Ways to manage something like a 'work-life balance'?

25 votes

Is it common for people in academia to experience prolonged lack of sleep and how to deal with it?

22 votes

Where does the title Dr come from for PhD?

22 votes

When addressing academic departmental assistants via email, should I use their first name or just Mr./Ms. X?

18 votes

Why don't professors start companies?

17 votes

How should an educational institute woo good faculty?

16 votes

Is there a good source to compare academic salaries at European universities?

16 votes

How do you judge the quality of a journal?

14 votes

Details an applicant should include/exclude in an introductory letter to a prospective grad school adviser?

14 votes

Failing to deliver promised research

14 votes

Is it better to do an MBA with some work experience?

13 votes

What can I do to recover from a short term burnout?

13 votes

Techniques to remain focused while marking examinations

12 votes

Special status of some physicists in France

12 votes

What to do when PhD is becoming hell due to non-cooperation from supervisor?

12 votes

What is the criterion to include an institution as “affiliation” in an author list?

12 votes

Should I respond to emails (resembling spams) asking for my papers?

12 votes

Will people judge me negatively for skipping department seminars?

12 votes

What are the most important criteria to consider when hiring postdocs for a research group?

11 votes

How do academics make money from applying their research?

10 votes

What do principal investigators (PIs) look for in prospective post docs?

10 votes

What is the equivalent of the laboratory notebook in the humanities?

10 votes

Is it okay if a professor friends a student on social media sites?

9 votes

Is it possible take take part in a research project if I'm not a part of a university?

9 votes

Does timing of emails matter?

9 votes

Is it possible to work full time and complete a PhD?

9 votes

Living standards for academic/postdocs